Rheumatology is a branch of internal medicine that specializes in studying diseases related to joints, muscles, bones, and soft tissues. A doctor who focuses on studying this branch of medicine is known as a specialist in rheumatology. Rheumatology doctor himself is a specialist in internal medicine who took further education (subspecialty) in the field of rheumatology. After this education period is finished, a rheumatology doctor can practice privately or work in a hospital or join a medical team to help evaluate a patient's health condition and provide treatment related to rheumatology. Diseases that can be treated by rheumatology doctors There are various types of diseases that can affect the joints, muscles, bones, and soft tissues, also known as rheumatic diseases. The following is a list of diseases that can be treated by rheumatology doctors, such as: Osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis. Uric acid. Back pain associated with inflammation of the spine (spondylitis)...